Review: The Six Rules of Maybe

Title: The Six Rules of Maybe
Author: Deb Caletti
Source: Purchased

Goodreads Summary and Cover: 

Scarlet Hughes is overly involved in the lives of everyone around her, and exceptionally interested in the habits of her neighbors. But Scarlet is thrust solidly into her own life when her sister, Juliet, returns home from school—pregnant and surprisingly married to a sweet, handsome man whom she seems to have no interest in, but who is hopelessly in love with her. Forced to take a look inward for the first time, Scarlet discovers the necessity of dreams, as well as the necessity of facing reality and speaking the truth.
*I corrected the spelling of Scarlet's name. It's not with 2 t's, Goodreads.*

Have you ever read a book and liked/disliked it, and you couldn't put your finger on why? That's kind of what it feels like for me with this book.

For The Six Rules of Maybe, I definitely closed the book with a strong like for it. Scarlet was a normal, teenage girl. I could honestly relate to her with her "designated listener" status and Introvert ways. I don't have a sister, so I can't say I've ever crushed on a brother-in-law. :) The way that she felt left out and a sibling received better treatment...oh, yeah! I could see that as a teenager.

Scarlet was worried through the whole book that her sister was going to leave her husband for the skeevy ex-boyfriend. She also thought her sister couldn't love this super sweet guy and thought he was more her type. Hey, even I developed a crush on Hayden! I loved the little notes Hayden left for Juliet. So did Scarlet...the little peeper! :) I don't blame her, though.

I loved that Scarlet had the relationships she did with the neighbors. The old, senile retired Postal Worker, the goth girl, the older couple next door who kept reading scam emails (LOL!), and even her dislike for the little boys and their mother.

There were 2 things that kind of bothered me about this book. One, the language. I understand that language sometimes "fits" the story. Some of the language in this one just felt forced and wrong to me. The other thing was the way that Scarlet and her friends just dropped each other over the summer. What kind of friend's mother tells her they should take a break because of a boy?!? Lame.

Despite the language and the lapse of judgement of the girls' friendship, I really did enjoy this story. Finding out what Juliet's hold up was and the end...the bond that Scarlet and Hayden had...was special.

The Six Rules of Maybe satisfies part of the Completely Contemporary Challenge!

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